Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Opinion: IT can suffer from its own broken window effect


In this article “Opinion: IT can suffer from its own broken window effect” by John D. Halamka, IT professionals learn about the effects of inattention of IT organization’s networks. The journalist use parallelism to make his case and to bring clarity to his idea. The relation that is use is “broken windows effect.” This is an “involving a process” that gradually transforms a handsome white picket fence neighborhood into violent, neglected and unsafe areas that no one wants to live. It becomes a place where people encompass the same old attitude of inattention and the property value of the neighborhood diminishes. This effect of inattention does not happen overnight. The transformation is very gradual and for the most part unseen. This effect of inattention can creep into a network, and if not fixed, this type of apprehension will increase and further degrade an IT organization’s networks. Mr. Halamka proposes a “zero-tolerance attitude” to fix the attitude of inattention by staying on your guard for the “broken window effect,” keeping the IT professionals engaged, and promoting the renewal of outstanding attitude in the IT.

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No Java Stuff from owl...

No Java Stuff from owl...
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